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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Prototype Game Free Download For PC

Prototype Game Free Download For PC

Prototype game is about killing anyone to increase your energy to save himself because there was an army in the game and the man can run away to save himself. The player that can use in the game by the developer is completely forgetting about his past and his memory. The developer show in the game at some stages the player can feel some weakness in his body due to lost of his health. In this way he can take many lives to increase his energy to run away to save himself. There was a one man who can play all the game and his enemies a lot of. The game is based on thirty one missions. Every mission gives him a new task for play.

There was modern weaponry used in the game. There was an outstanding vehicle used in the game. The game is totally played on an open area like especially on the road. The helicopters take very important part in the game. Prototype game was released on 9 June, 2009. This game is developed by Radical Entertainment. Prototype is available for Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Xbox 360 and Play-Station 3. In some missions the player can capture some vehicles of enemies in the game to use them. There was a large building used in the game. The player also flaying during the game and his stand on the roofs of buildings.

The local public is used in the game which is spread everywhere on the road. From there the player can kill the local public and take their lives to increase his energy. When the player killed someone the player can become like him. You have an option to change your arms in any mode hammer like, a whip and change into blades. The player can also destroy helicopters with anything which he takes in his hand like the car. Some functions of the game matched with Counter Strike game. When the player can select the things for his own use during the game. You can select Missions, Locations and Weapons. One main thing is that you can change your weapon during the game easily.

There was a different weather conditions use according to mission. The map also used which is displayed on the computer screen inducts you about all the tracks during the game. The player can destroy all the things on the road. There was a big story behind the game and on which the game is based. In some missions the player can fight with different characters. The player can also communicate with some characters during the game who asked something to him. The player can take a cap on his head during throughout the game. The memory of the man is also highlighted gradually during all the shots of the game.

There were a two bars are displayed on the computer screen and on the sides of these bars the picture of both players are displayed. There were a large amount of blood is exposed during the killing of someone. There was a sign of four corners are displayed on the enemy of the player. The game has very little of time to complete the mission. The game has an amazing music going on behind all the shots of the game. Your time is also displayed on the screen. One character is that used by the developer in the game when you killed this character there was a large amount of blood tricking in his body. After to complete the mission the player can think something in his brain. The player can also jump during the game. The player can also go inside the helicopter and killed the enemies which can sit in the helicopter and destroy it.

System Requirements:

Processor: Core 2 Duo
VGA: 256 MB
Hard Disk Space: 8 GB
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Game Details:

Version: 1
Size: 7.29 GB
License: Shareware

Prototype Game Free Download For PC

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